You can take other measures to protect your brain during aging.

“Living a healthy lifestyle including eating well, maintaining a healthy weight, keeping your body and brain active, and treating any hearing loss are all ways of boosting brain resilience and likely lowering dementia risk,” Spires-Jones said.

“This is not to blame people who have dementia for their lifestyle choices,” she added. “Best estimates indicate that less than half of the risk of dementia is due to this type of modifiable risk factor with the rest of the risk likely due to genes we inherit.”

However, given the potential to modify your risk and the growth of medical research and treatments, Spires-Jones added, there is reason to be hopeful.

If you’re already experiencing mobility issues, fall prevention can help, Isaacson said — that can include physical and occupational therapy evaluation, and at-home adaptations such as installing bars in the shower, removing clutter and using night-lights.