Alexander McQueen has today announced a new initiative that will help guide creative school students into the arts. Partnering with A Team Arts Education, a community-led youth arts education organisation based in the London Borough of Tower Hamlets, the programme will work to support the aspirations of young people to enter creative careers through weekend and school holiday workshops.
Situated in London’s East End, Tower Hamlets has one of the fastest-growing, youngest and most diverse populations in the UK, though many of its schools have cut creative subjects in favour of STEM (Science, Tech, Engineering and Maths). The partnership will see McQueen financially support A Team Arts Education over the coming year, and offer live experiences with the label’s design, textile and embroidery teams through a new ‘Explore Programme’. Opening doors to higher education, the project will also partner with the Central Saint Martins Insights Programme led by Berni Yates, which supports young people who may not have access to arts subjects in school.
“Working with Alexander McQueen will provide inspiration, hope and opportunities to an area that has established links to the fashion and textiles industries that are now hidden through layers of history and a changing urban landscape,” says A Team Arts Education director Sarbjit Natt. “The collaboration will help the arts to flourish in a positive way for young people and the wider community of east London.”
“It feels especially important for us to be able to take part in supporting young people from the east end of London, where Lee Alexander McQueen grew up,” says the label’s creative director, Sarah Burton. “At this house, we all know that talent comes from everywhere, irrespective of background. At a time when UK arts education is narrowing and being cut and young people are under pressure, we’re inspired and humbled to be able to join with A Team Arts Education.”
Cre: AnOther Magazine